Roof Tile Bedding Mortar

Roof Tile Bedding Mortar
A blend of cement, sand and high quality additives designed for all aspects of bedding ridges, barges and apexes on tiled roofs. Developed in conjunction with roofing professionals for a reliable and durable product that supports roof applicators' product quality guarantees.
Click here to watch BCM for Tradies using Trade Mortar
Safety Data Sheet

Bedding Ridge & Hip Tiles
- Ready to use, consistent product
- Suitable for all aspects of bedding ridges, barges and apexes
- Roof tiles 'sit up' - no more slumping
- No sand or cement mess or waste on site
- Performs well in warm and hot temperatures
- One 20kg bag beds approximately 3 linear metres of ridge or hip tiles
Place the required amount of Roof Tile Bedding Mortar into a mixer or onto a non-absorbent surface.
Gradually add 4 litres of clean water per 20kg bag, ensuring it does not wash away any of the cement. Mix the mortar thoroughly to ensure a consistent mix.
Form a mortar bed of approximately 50mm in width on both sides and ends of the ridge or hip tile. Bed the tile in position and remove any mortar that may have been squeezed out when placing the tile.
Use a trowel and sponge to neaten the bedding mortar to provide a clean face for the pointing mix to be applied later.